Here is the famous Jolly Sailor Public House on Southsea seafront a part of the common we call the Lady’s Mile.

This project came about in 2017 when I was living two doors away in St Martins House and had always wanted to paint some sailors on the front of the pub. After having a meeting with Ross the landlord we decided on a continuing theme around the building and a change of interior design to maritime history.

Starting with the front sailors and then proceeding around the corner to add the Queen and Prince Phillip, drunken sailors in the basement underneath them, two wrens one with tattoos, the landlord as the captain, other sailors, and signs including Nelson on the balcony. This year I have added a sailor in a crows nest up a mast on the front and will be continuing next summer with more masts and rigging and a detailed mural along the side wall on Lennox Road South. 

Mark E.W. Lewis